Certus has been appointed successor receiver to improve GlenOaks senior living community in New London, Minnesota. The appointment comes after Certus’ engagement in February of 2018 to provide advisory services for the then receiver of the western Minnesota senior living campus. In its initial advisory role, Certus performed a thorough analysis of the campus and identified a path toward stabilization and improvement.
Certus’ role shifted after months of working with personnel onsite to improve staff morale, making significant interior and exterior physical improvements, upgrading technology and medical needs, and implementing new marketing efforts to improve census.
Upon appointment, Certus ran an extensive sale process, believing the turnaround and ultimate sale would preserve jobs in the community and ensure that the vulnerable population of seniors in the New London and the surrounding areas would have a place in their community to live.
Please find the EMMA Notice here: https://emma.msrb.org/ER1231260-ER963414-ER1364348.pdf